Tuesday 7 April 2020

How AI Driven Development Impacts Software Development?

Software development has brought about great transformation to our daily lives. Everything from digital devices, drones, machines, and rockets runs on software built on various emerging and sophisticated technologies. All technologies meanwhile have disrupted software development to some extent and artificial intelligence is no exception.

ai development services

In fact, AI is the most anticipated technology of the present decade and the decades to come. Due to its ability to automate manual tasks, it has been widely opted for building faster and more strategic software solutions. Enterprises now use AI driven development for improving chatbots interactions, automation testing software, and data mining tools. The importance of AI can be gauged from the fact that around 47% of mature enterprises have a defined AI strategy.

However, still, a large portion of the businesses are in the process of implementing an AI development solution to drive accurate results and to automate various processes. Here is how artificial intelligence development can impact software development.

AI Impacts Various Phases of Software Development

AI impacts software development in many ways right from requirement gathering to designing, coding and testing. Let’s discuss each phase in detail:

1. Requirement Gathering

For building software as per SDLC, businesses require maximum human intervention. In the initial stages of development, AI development companies employ various tools and techniques like Google ML Kit and Infosys Nia to automate processes thereby reducing human intervention.
 Under this, dedicated machines are sent instructions through AI language- NLP making machines understand the software requirements. To execute requirement gathering which is an important phase in software development, one needs an expert Artificial Intelligence Development Company that ensures everything is carried out in a streamlined manner.

2. Software Design

With AI, designing can be made much simple thus saving time and designing costs.. Under this, various designs, colors, and patterns can be selected by designers which can then be fed into the AI software resulting in faster and accurate software designs. Thus AI helps in automating designing process helping companies to build software designs in an accurate and desired manner.

3. Automatic Code Generation

Writing code for software can be a daunting task and takes way too much time through manual methods. However, with AI development services focused on automatic code generation, artificial intelligence developer can build a sophisticated program that accepts high abstract instructions from a programmer to get source code.

4. AI in Testing Services

For testing software, AI tools can be of great help. It can save the companies from the pain of rewriting test cases after changes are made into the code. Such tools can come in handy when a company needs to carry out regression testing. These AI tools can be used to write test cases with ease and further ensures error-free testing.

5. Deployment Control

With artificial intelligence, deployment works can be controlled to a large extent. Deployment is an important phase in software development as it prepares companies to prepare application run through standard methods. It involves installation, configuration, testing and optimizing the performance of the software.

With AI Development services, companies can reduce the risk and vulnerabilities during software up-gradation and subsequent testing thus helping in better monitoring of software performance.
How Artificial Intelligence Benefits in Software Development?

AI impacts software development in many phases thereby resulting in better, and fast performing software helping an enhanced user experience, data security, & error identification to list a few.

1. Data Security

The software installed on customers end can face data and security related issues that can otherwise be immediately collected by AI software at the end of Artificial Intelligence Development Company thus resulting in fast alerts and accurate solutions.

2. Error Identification

With various AI tools coding and testing processes are streamlined effectively helping the teams in examining bugs and errors. With this, developers and testers can find bugs with ease and correct them in no time.

3. Better Decision Making

AI software working on ML algorithms allows development teams to learn from their previous projects, work on irregularities and correct them accordingly. With this, AI development companies can make better decisions related to development phases.

To Sum Up

AI has a pivotal role to play in various phases of software development right from project ideation to its deployment and maintenance. With improved analytics and accurate data capture, AI software helps in preparing advance and innovation packed software that is implemented in all major industries.

Looking for AI Development Services? Let our experts know about it.

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